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From Charlotte County Group Homes
to Neighbourhood Works

We are turning the former church at 59 Union Street in St. Stephen into an engine room for change for youth and adults.


Here people will find access to the basics of food, clothing, and personal care.

Under that roof we are gathering partners and programs that will collaborate to meet many needs. 


In this hub people will find support for challenges with addiction, mental health, and homelessness from people and agencies who are working together to benefit the entire community.

The hub will be a source of information, guidance, and opportunities for people to work on education and employment goals. 


And youth without family supports will find sanctuary and direction as they transition to a stable and more promising future.

Together we are building our capacity as a community to include and care for everyone. 

Here in our new centre, all of Charlotte County can collaborate on creating better lives for everyone. Because we are better together than we can ever be alone.

Together, we’re offering help and healing. Together, we’re creating opportunity and hope. 



Neighbourhood Works Inc., formally known as Charlotte County Group Homes Inc, was incorporated as a registered charity under the charity act in 1975 under the Eastern Charlotte Association of the Mentally Retarded. During the first years, our mandate was primarily providing respite for children with disabilities.

In 1985, the organization opened our first parent model adolescent home serving three orphaned brothers. The home where it operated was donated by The Townes family of St. Stephen, NB. Within six-months the Department of Social Development (formerly Department of Family and Community Services) grant funded this program to serve up to 6 co-ed individuals ages 12-18 that required out of home placements. This program strives to provide a family style atmosphere, encouraging our kids educationally, emotionally, physically, socially and mentally wellness.

During these years, our programs were based on a behavior modification model. In 20??, our programs changed to a trauma-informed program based on individual needs.

In 2019, Neighbourhood Works opened our first grant-funded parent-model sibling home for large sibling groups for a sibling group of five.

In 2021, our second grand-funded parent-model grand funded sibling home for large sibling groups for a group of 6 siblings. Due to circumstances beyond our control, it was then changed to a shift-model home while still creating a forever home.

In 2021, we purchased the former church property 59 Union St, St. Stephen NB. This property will be a Community Services Hub with many like-minded service providers sharing the same building as well as house Youth Transitional Housing for youth 16-24. In July 2022, we began operating a Community Kitchen providing supper meals on Tuesday and Thursdays from 5-6 PM with the help of many churches, organizations and volunteers.

In November 2022, Neighbourhood Works operated the Unsheltered Out-of-the-Cold Warming Centre in St. Stephen, NB and employed an Unsheltered Outreach Worker to assist with their needs.

To this day, Neighbourhood Works continues to develop opportunity and services for everyone in our Community.



Dawn McDonald, Chairperson
Susan Ingalls, Vice-Chairperson
Marilyn James, Treasurer
Janet Emerson, Secretary
Mike Bourque
Pearl Bourque
Jane Glennie
Eric Grant



Executive Director

James Stuart


Director of Adult Services

Amanda DeGruchy


Program Managers

Lindsay Jackson
Lori Porelle
Maria Bourgious

Jessica Brown


Debbie Ross


Our more than 65 Youth and Adult Workers are trained in trauma-informed care, non-violent crisis intervention, and more, our staff create safe, welcoming environments for youth to thrive.

Interested in joining a fantastic team of youth care workers?



If you hit barrier after barrier to even your modest hopes and dreams, our neighbourhood says “Look, here's an open door.”


Building a supported and supportive community.


Neighbourhood Works will work with diverse individuals, families, and the community to overcome barriers and enhance quality of life. We do this by fostering social inclusion, developing skills and abilities, and collaborating with our partners to facilitate access to a range of flexible and responsive programs and services. We envision a strong and inclusive neighbourhood in which community members fully participate in opportunities which enhance well-being for all. We will advocate for positive and sustainable change.


Respect – due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

Compassion – to recognize the suffering of others and then take action to help.

Acceptance – the process of embracing thoughts, emotions, and other internal experiences without judgement and without trying to change them.

Supportive – to give help or assistance, or to hold something or someone up.

Integrity – being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.

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